Life Movements
Sian Palmer

Life Movements are movement-based practices designed to keep you in touch with yourself, your roots, your loved ones and your life.
These offerings include home practice, workshops, classes and training to best support you and your needs.

Online Courses

Life Movements Online
Integrate Life Movements into your daily life to feel more alive and connected. These short meditation courses are designed to fit in with your daily schedule in the way that works best for you.
21 Days of Dance
Join Sian for 21 days of intentional movement practice. Each day offers a focus and 10 minutes of dance. A great way to get into and deepen your practice.
Special Launch Price
Normal Price: £49
Sale Price £29
Sian Palmer is the Founder of Expressive Movement South Africa, Co-Founder of Ancestral Connections, and an HPCSA registered Drama and Movement Therapist (MA University of London, 2009). Through teaching and training facilitators, Sian continues learning the value of embodied presence, authentic communication and creative expression through moving in community. She is a firm believer in the power of movement and ancestral connections as mediums for individual and collective healing and growth.
Sian offers one-to-one Life Movements sessions to best support your needs.
Sian offers one-to-one Life Movements sessions to best support your needs.

Connect to Your Roots
Ancestral Connections is the key to opening our connections to our ancestral roots through an integrative approach to constellations and movement.
Dance, Constellation, Rites of Passage Practices and Ancient Stories form the language of Ancestral Connections. We come into community and conversation with the ancestors – biological and collective.
Sian is available for one-to-one sessions to work with specific issues, symptoms or life-transitions. E-mail her on [email protected].
Tap into Your Flow
Expressive Movement is a dynamic conscious dance practice, founded by Sian Palmer in 2009, with the focus on dance as your meditation tool to enable greater authentic presence and freedom. This embodied mindfulness practice enhances physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health; increasing your vitality and supporting a healthy relationship to yourself, others and all of life.
The Expressive Movement form is founded on the principle that dance is a fundamental medium of human communication and expression – and that, through dancing, we activate conscious awareness, creative action and authentic connection.
Sian is available for one-to-one sessions to support your wellbeing and creative flow through movement. E-mail her on [email protected].

What’s On in 2024/5?
Ancestral Connections Myth & Archetypes, London
with Sian Palmer
5 – 6 October 2024
Ancestral Connections For the Future, Graz, Austria
with Sian Palmer and Tanja Meyburgh
28 – 29 June 2025
Expressive Movement Facilitator Training, Online
with Sian Palmer
4 – 6 July 2025
5 – 7 September 2025
31 Oct – 2 Nov 2025
Ancestral Connections Facilitator Training
with Sian Palmer and Tanja Meyburgh
Starts January 2025, Online
Course Requirements and Registration
What Others Say
“It was my first time joining the Expressive Movement and it was a mind-body connection experience. I was guided to tap into my inner feelings and emotions and expressed myself through the movements as we flow along to the beats and narrative of the song. And the energy of the group was just simply amazing! I felt connected and supported. I was able to express myself in an honest, open and sincere manner without any fear of judgement. It’s really being in the moment where you listen to what your body is telling you, and just let it flow. It was a truly liberating and energizing experience!!”
My experience of Expressive Movement is a gentle journey back to self with music and facilitation that allows my creativity to bloom on the dance floor and off. I remember how much I loved dancing as a child and how bullying dimmed that love for me. When I found myself dancing for the first time in years without care and from a place of complete freedom to just be, I realised I was home. I started dancing with Sian in 2018 and it brought me so much peace and has been a great source in my healing journey. One of my favourite memories was a dance weekend of Ancestral Connections that I attended that was facilitated by Sian, after that experience there were physical and emotional manifestations of healing. Expressive Movement allows you to be as an individual and brings a sense of community as well. Whatever I come in with I know that Expressive Movement will help me work through it or rather move with it.
Grateful, Joyful and thriving.
Thank you Sian.
I started dancing with Sian in 2016. I had just left a marriage and a life in the mountains, moved to the city and fell into a profound depression. For three years Expressive Movement allowed me to dance my losses, griefs and anger. It gave me space to get in touch with where I truly was at, and respite from putting on a brave and cheerful face for the outside word. I found myself swirling and shuffling, crouching in a corner or marching fiercely across the dancefloor. Over time I started realising how valuable the wordless connections with the other dancers was, how important being witnessed by others was for pulling me out of darkness. And sensed a deeper healing taking place. Of all the painful disconnection that has marked my life.
Oh, and then there is the joy! The pure pure celebratory joy of being in the body, and with other living breathing bodies. Over time the years, Expressive Movement has become an essential part of my emotional and spiritual hygiene. I have also discovered the possibilities of community and I am hugely grateful for this gift of embodiment.
I’ve danced (weekly) with Sian as a facilitator for at least the last nine years. Her holding of space is impeccable, sensitive, and nuanced. She ushers dancers with a light touch, each on their own journey, through the robust Expressive Movement map. As with any facilitator worth their salt, she steps out of the way, and allows the work to flow – leaving each dancer to meet their process , simultaneously supported and unimpeded. All the embodiment workshops Sian offers are underpinned by this superb ethic of hers. The process itself offers the immersed dancer personal insights and releases, which the simple bravery of ‘just keep moving’ brings to the surface in bearable quanta. This weekly dance meditation practice is a bulwark of my emotional maintenance and resilience; it continues to gift me flexibility, patience, comedy, attunement, endurance, humility, forgiveness, and kindness in my everyday waking life.
Membership coming soon
Life Movements Memberships will be available in the future.
Please let us know if you are interested and we will be sure to keep you in the loop.